时间:2013-10-20 15:26:23 来源:天宏恩简易垂直循环类机械式设备室一种缩小的垂直循环类机械式停车设备,它占地面积小,操作简单便捷。可露天安装,也可附设在建筑物内;可单台设置,也可多台组合设置;结构紧凑,安全可靠,安装方便,适用范围广泛。
The simple vertical circulation type mechanical equipment is a shrinked vertical circulation type mechanical parking equipment. It is featured as a small land area and simple and convenient operation. It can realize open air installation and can also be affiliated to the construction. It can be set up independently or in composition; it is featured as tight structure, safe and reliable performance, convenient installation and wide application scope.